Friday, November 19, 2010

Thinking of my friends back home!

I am in a writing sort of mood.  And I am feeling a teeny tiny bit melancholic this evening. I am sitting at home, on a Friday night with not much to do, so I thought I would give a shoot out to my peeps in Canada. Do not be offended if you are not on this list. I can’t possibly write something for everyone. So here are a few words for a few friends in random order.

Diane R. – I miss our multi hour telephone conversations. Your laugh… the fact that you get my humour probably better than anyone keeps me from thinking I am totally crazy. Really looking forward to see you.

André C. – I miss your stories. You have so many juicy ones. I love how you keep me up on all the good gossip in Moncton. I also miss your visits to my apartment in montreal. I know that when you come to visit me, my life is gonna be interesting. Thanks for that!

Hugo T. – My best geek buddy. I said geek buddy, so I can’t get all mushy, what do we look like? Hippies? Can’t wait to geek out with you again.

Nelson L. – Nelson is like my brother from a different mother. We are soooo alike in soooo many ways, yet so different. We understand each other from a more.. Shall I say, primal perspective. High-Five dude! Send me a Nelson Report!

Nicholas T. – Soooo many reasons I miss you. Specially on the eve of the anniversary of our meeting LOL. Here is to 14 years of “feeding the iguana” ;) So blessed to have you as a friend.

Camille A. – Ma petite terroriste préférée. Tu manques de plus en plus. Tes histoires pas possibles, tes réactions à mes blagues… et nos fous rires communs que personne d’autres ne comprend. Promets-moi qu’on va bien rire à mon retour! J

Marie V. – L’autre moitié de la moitié féminine des brunches du samedi. Que ça me manque. Vraiment. Et toi aussi ;)  Toujours avec un brin de réalisme pour ramener les 3 autres au sol… que ferait-on sans toi !

Diane St-A. – Partenaire de Cinéma, amie depuis toujours, qui n’a pas peur d’être la seule dans toute la salle de cinéma qui rit au éclats en plein milieu d’une scène tragique parce qu’elle vient de voir le micro du technicien de son faire son apparition à l’écran. Et bien… chapeau, parce que sans toi, je rirais tout seul J Mon momet préféré de Cinéma, quand on est aller voir Grease et que tu chantais a voix haute avec le film. J’en garde un souvenir précieux.

Milena C. – Mi mamacita. La mas hermosa de todos! La mas preciosa! Y la mejora preffora de espanol! Sin ti, no podria hablar este idioma bonita (pero, con muchas faltas!) Te extrano mucho, y espero verte temprano! Tambien, una chica que tiene buen gusto con los hombres jejeje… tengo mucho ganas de mirar los hombres en la plaza contigo.

Ming Lee – Hey bitch face. Yeah… not really mushy types are we, but I miss you still. I hope you will still come swimming with me when I get back. And, I will need someone to put me back up to speed on the happenings in Azeroth. Oh… and I am so sick of eating white rice, you can`t fucking imagine! So the phrase “more rice!” has a whole new meaning!

Patrick C. – My bestest friend in the whole wide world. Nobody, and I mean nobody, gets me like you do. In fact, we get each other so much… I don’t really have to say anything. But, I really would like to waste a day in a coffee shop with you right now. I am in sarcasm withdrawl. People here don`t understand sarcasm. I am trapped in the land that sarcasm forgot…

Stéphane B. – Ah. Que de choses nous avons vécus ensemble. À mon retour, je veux te faire un gros gros calin pour etre certain que tu comprennes que malgré nos discussions chaudes, je t’apprécie beaucoup! J’aime ça les gens qui me mettent au défi, qui me font réfléchir et qui argumentent avec passion. Et en plus, on sait bien rire aux niaiseries. C’est vraiment ce qu’il y a de plus important ;)

Peter M. - Yeah. you are far away. But I hear you will be back. This was probably the best news I heard all 2010. Can`t wait to hang out with you again and have endless discussions and answer your 1000 questions. I promise, no more talking about turtles :)

Nadine N. – Une amitié redécouverte un peu avant mon départ. Vraiment, c’est un plaisir hors du commun de m’asseoir et discuter sans fin avec toi. Et maintenant que nos parents ne peuvent pas nous punir pour le faire, ça va être un vrai régal à mon retour.

Pounmaya S. – Hey, it’s the female me!  Too bad I like boys so much because our babies would be fierce. They would be smart, speak 12 languages, travel the world, cure cancer and be so hot that they would win Miss World AND Mr Universe.  Hmmm... Maybe we should make a baby… I think we would be doing the world a favour. Think about it ;)

Chris G, Dion L, and the pot-luck people – What I like the most about you guys, is your ability to welcome anyone and everyone into your home and create an atmosphere of warmth, and friendship that I have not seen anywhere else. Everyone always feels personally welcomed and genuinely appreciated… even if there are 125 other guests in the house. I am so blessed to have you both in my life, and the other pot-luck peeps. Hmm… Maybe that can be the official name for the soirées next year : The Pot Luck People. It has a nice ring to it.

Martin A. – Hey, le nerd! Vraiment, j’ai super hâte de te voir. Je ris tellement quand je suis avec toi. Ça me manque beaucoup les explosions de rires pas possible près de la machine café! Il faut se payer un bon repas à l’indien à mon retour avec JF & Miléna et cie.

Carolyn G. – Ahhh.. It just dawned on me how much I miss you. You are one of the smartest people I know (and I know a lot of smart people) and that’s half of why I like you so much. The other half is because you are totally crazy. And I like crazy. ;)  Honestly, I cannot wait to see you. I miss you.

Sue-Marie G. – AAHHHH my little Sue-Marie. If I had a teleport device, I would put us both at Chez Cora right now. We can solve the world’s problems with a monster size fruit cocktail,  well at least the ones within our careers. I thank my lucky stars covansys brought us together back in 2000. CO-VAN-SYS. Remember the look on all our faces at that teleconference? Hahaha.

James R. – Saved you for last. Yup. I miss you lots. Can’t wait to see you again. I am glad things are going well for you. Can’t wait to sit and chat and tell you all about my adventures. So many things here make me think of you. Mostly because I can see you doing the same thing. And, I would not have ever made this trip if you had not inspired me to do so. Cheers my friend.  PS – You haven’t read my manuscript you bum!

I know I have omitted some people… according to facebook I have 432 friends… no way I am going to write something for all of you… so tough titty. Also… there is a good chance if you are not on this list its because you have been MIA from my email box… so shame on you. ;)

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