Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Photoshop + Internet + Photography = Me Shooting Africans!

Humm humm... Well, not much going on at the moment. I am really settling into my routine. I am counting down the days until my brother Joel lands in Ouagadougou (10 sleeps left), and feeling more and more at home in Bobo. Diarrhea is over, I have been diarrhea free for two weeks! Thats the longest hard turd run so far!

I have also decided that I will not pursue a relationship with the guy in Ouaga. Verdict : Gay Men are the same no matter what country they are born in, the only thing that changes are the conditions in which they operate. So, my guard is up.  Enter dream boat #2.  I have been seeing someone in Bobo... but... as in the wise words of Captain James T. Kirk: "RAISE SHIELDS. GO TO RED ALERT!"  Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. (I know, how cliche!)

So I have been busy (really busy) battling a virus infestation at work. Machine after machine was getting infected by a number of computer viruses. It seemed for each machine I would fix 2 more would get infected. I inlisted the help of a local computer technician, and together we fought hard for 2 weeks, and it looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I also decided it was time to build a seminar for the employees... I think the title should be something like "STOP INSTALLING ALL THE CRAP FROM THE INTERNET ON YOUR FUCKING COMPUTER!" These guys do not understand the messages they get while browsing, so they just click yes on everything: "This file is a potentially dangerous executable, and the source can not be verified. Would you like to run it anyway?"  They click "Yes".  For the more tech savy among you, I am fighting the urge to instal a domain control and start handing out login IDs with restricted access to software installs. I just can't keep up.  I saw one machine which had half its screen space taken up by toolbars installed in Internet Explorer. I asked the user why he installed all that stuff, his response : "Oh, I didn't install it, it just appeared!" Right... thats what happened. Software just magically comes onto your desktop. Did I mention I have some land to sell on Mars? I'll make you quite the offer. I'll even print out a deed in MS Word.

So... I got my hands on Photoshop 6.  Its like stepping back in time 10 years, but, its better than NO photoshop at all. 
(hint hint:
  Gabriel Robichaud 
  01 BP 2107 Bobo-Dioulasso 01   
  Burkina Faso  
thats my mailing address *ahem*)

And... a friend of a friend asked me if I could shoot him. Well, he has been shot! :)  I took out 4 images from the lot, there was quite a few of them that came out nicely. Considering I had no reflector, lightmeter, or flash with the exception of my 580 hotshoe mounted flash... it was challenging. And then figuring out how to do stuff in Photoshop 6... isssh... Anyhoooo, here some of my favorites from the shoot with Rabi.


And thats all for today foks :)


  1. Gab, is Gimp (freeware) worth trying? If you want me to download, burn to CD, and mail, just let me know. But whatever the software, please do share more of your delightful pictures with us.

  2. GIMP! Holy crap i totaly forgot about GIMP!! Thats actually pretty good software. I will see if I can download it at my house. It might take me a couple of days, but it could be worth the effort!! I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks for the offer Vic! You da man!

